Our flock

Our flock is based on genetics from the East Friesian breed, the most common dairy sheep in North America. Developed in northwestern Europe, East Friesians (a.k.a. Friesian Milk Sheep) are known for high milk production. However, some lines have experienced health problems in the warm, humid southeastern United States.

Our initial breeding stock, about 1/4 East Friesian, came from Amy Hayden, a Virginia sheep breeder. Interested in creating a more hardy dairy sheep breed, Amy had crossed East Friesians with sheep from the very hardy Katahdin and St. Croix breeds. A nucleus of 8 ewes moved to Allen's Creek Farm in the spring of 2006, just in time for lambing. We expanded these lines for one more season and then...

In 2008, we received a grant from the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SSARE) Program, allowing us to expand the flock using a higher percentage of East Friesian genetics while we select for healthy, parasite-resistant founders of a new dairy breed.